Friday, August 28, 2009

Fun in Hemmingford with the grand-parents

We went to Hemmingford to spend some time with Oma, and we had a great time with the family. Abby got this weird reaction to something. She had red bumps all over. They pretty much dissapeared the next day.

Monday, August 17, 2009

A special message

I went back to work after 1 year off to spend time with my little girl, and I came back to a special message. Abby was upset that I put her down to take a picture. Thanks Mark and Abby!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Une visite a Sans-Souci

Abigail a fait sa premiere visite a Sans Souci au mois d'aout. On a découvert qu'elle a vraiment peur des animaux. Les chevaux de loin ne semblait pas etre un problème, mais de proche, elle ne voulait rien savoir. J'espère bien qu'elle s'en remettra!

Avec Josiane et Salvador qui faisait sa première visite a Sans Souci aussi.

Friday, August 7, 2009

A picnic in the park

While Mark was away this summer, we went to the park with Daph and the kids. We had a great time. The only sad thing about that day is that it started to rain :( But we still had fun while it was nice.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Fun at the Biodome

We went to the Biodome today, along with everyone in the city! Who doesn’t try to do something fun inside when it is pouring outside and also on the last day of construction holidays? So after an hour wait inside in our wet shoes, we got in. We only stayed for about an hour, because it was so full, it was not easy to take our time walking through. Plus, when you are pushing your jumbo stroller, you are blocking a lot of space.  Abby seemed to particularly love the fish. Which is odd because they weren’t pretty tropical fish, they were ugly St-Lawrence fish… and she screams in terror when she sees a cuddly adorable dog… weird girl!

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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Visite chez Grand-papa et Grand-maman

On est aller passer la journée avec grand-papa et grand-maman cette semaine. Abby a rencontré sa grande tante Dédé, et elle a marcher pour la premiere fois! Elle a aussi decouvert que les framboises, c’est bon! Elle a ensuite fais un petit tour a la plage municipal. Elle faisait des cris de dinosaure dans l’eau, et le soleil s’était couvert, alors elle commencait a avoir froid…

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