Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Voici quelques videos d'Olivia

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

It's been so long...

Abby and I have been MIA for a while! We are slowly getting ready for the arrival of Abigail's little sister (coming May 23rd, give or take a week) Abby is loving daycare and is changing so quickly. She is now a walking, running, talking (incomprehensibly) tall, funny and smiling little toddler!
I'll try to catch you up in pictures on the months and events that we missed.

We will try to be on a little more often.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

La première fête d'Abigail

La première fete d'Abby a eu lieu le 20 septembre 2009. Il a fait tellement beau, ce fut une merveilleuse journée entouré de famille.

Abigail grandit tellement vite, et elle remplie nos journées de bonheur!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009

Abby's new friend Peter the Puma

This Puma puppet was the only childhood stuffed animal I kept. It was great to see Abby playing and sharing with Peter the Puma. She will one day be a great big sister, I am sure of it!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Brushing her teeth

Abigail is brushing her teeth twice a day now. She really loves when we hand her the tooth brush. She also likes the little girl in the mirror!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Il fait froid!

J'ai laisser la porte -patio ouverte toute la nuit, et quand Abigail et moi nous sommes reveillées, on avait froid! Alors je lui ai mis sa belle robe de chambre (beau cadeau de matante Dédé) et des babylegs et Abby était pas mal plus comfortable!