Monday, March 30, 2009

Une fin de semaine a Québec

On est aller a Qc cette fin de semaine. Même si nous avons eu des petits problèmes de voiture, ce fut une tres belle fin de semaine. Evidement, j'ai oublier la camera lors de notre marche dans le vieux Québec, alors la seule évidence de cette marche est une photo de Mark et Abby prise par un cellulaire, et ce cellulaire ne coopère pas... :(

*** Finalement Mark a trouver comment faire...! Voici la belle photo de Daddy et Abby!***

Abby et Salvador se sont bien amusé ensemble, on a tous bien hate de les voir grandir ensemble!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Abigail is 6 months old!

How fast the time has gone. 6 months old already. I still remember my little Abby, all frail and slimy after 22 hours of waiting. It is funny because everyone always says how quickly it goes, and I remember thinking "Come on, it's a baby, what can go so quickly?" But I really see it now. Abigail is not crawling yet, but I know that it is not far ahead, and I can't believe that only 6 months ago I was staring at her, and getting excited by every little sigh and cough. She has become so much more expressive, and Mark and I always thought that she was not a typical smiley baby, but now she laughs constantly, and she smiles just because we look at her, and she makes the best faces. Best EVER! I am looking forward to getting to know her better, and learning more about her already blossoming personality.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Des pommes

Abby a manger des pommes avec ses céréales ce matin, et elle a finalement réagi a de la nourriture! On va voir demain si ca persiste, mais je crois qu'elle va aimer ca... un jour!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

On a decouvert un nouveau jouet.

Mark est aller a Hemmingford samedi, et il a emprunté ce Jolly Jumper a Chris et Daphnee. Abigail aime bien la liberté que ca lui permet d'avoir. La serviette par terre, c'est pour la bave qui tombe...! Une chance que le cadrage de la porte est large, car j'aurais peur qu'elle se frappe contre!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

6 month check up

Even though Abby is only 5 1/2 months old, we had her 6 month check up today. Abby is 27.5 inches long and weighs 15 lbs 1 oz. So she is a tall lady in the making! She is still adorable, and funny. She loves to talk to Daddy and Maman and to make us smile. She laughs more and more every day, and she is getting prettier by the minute. I can't believe that she wasn't here less than six months ago!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Quelle belle journée!

On est aller prendre une marche aujourd'hui et il faisait pas mal beau. J'ai essayer le porte-bébé sur le dos, et c'est super le fun. Abby a bien aimer, et elle gardait mon dos bien au chaud!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Mmmmm, tasty!

Abby had her first taste of food this morning.

We tried rice cereal and it seamed to be not so bad. She didn't even make a face when it went in her mouth for the first time. I must say that it really doesn't taste like much (that's right, I tried the gross mushy stuff!) But the texture doesn't seem to cause a problem. And boy does she like the spoon! I think if she could just eat that, she would be happy.
So far, we like rice cereal. I guess that is a step in the right direction. It is crazy because I remember thinking that this whole eating thing was really far away, and here we are.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Nouveau sons

Abigail fait maintenant des nouveaux sons! On dirait qu'elle essaye de nous dire quelque chose...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Lea's 5th birthday

Today was cousin Lea's 5th birthday party, and we had an awesome time! Abby got all dressed up and we headed out.

Kyle and Abby had some fun together, trying to be the star of the picture. It is great that they are so close in age!
As usually it was a great time hanging out with the family and Chris and Daph did a great job. Daphnee made Lea an awesome princess cake, and Lea was having a great time. Damon was enjoying playing video games after some of the guests left, but he was a great help to his little sister by reading her all the birthday cards she received!