Saturday, February 28, 2009

What a day!

We had a busy Saturday with Abigail! Grand-maman and Grand-papa were with us for my birthday, and we had a fun-filled day ahead of us. We went to have one of my favorites: Dim-Sum. Abby is still too young to try it, and we were not sure how she would like a packed restaurant. She was such a little angel!

She barely fussed and she sat in her carseat and played with her toys while we ate the yummy dumplings that were being served. She did not seem to be bothered at all by the action around us! We will definetly be going back to that place!

Then we went to the Jardin Botanique de Montreal, and we met up with Josiane, Dan and Salvador, and we went to see the live butterflies. It was a great outing with the whole family!

As you can see Abby was having a great time!
We are all looking forward to the next family adventure.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Abby a 5 mois!

Eh oui, Abigail a maintenant 5 mois! C'est fou comment ca va vite! Je regardais des photos de ma petite fille aujourd'hui, et c'est incroyable a quel point elle a changer. Son sourire est maintenant plus enchanteur que jamais, elle chante et fait de nouveaux sons a chaque jour. Elle commence a avoir une curiosité amusante envers tout ce qui se passe autours d'elle.

Friday, February 20, 2009

What a chatty baby!

Abby is really finding her voice these days. She used to only make a few sounds, but lately she will go on for a while, and she likes to make different sounds. It really is like she is talking to us. Actually, I think sometimes she is just talking to hear sounds. Oh yeah, and if it fits in her mouth, she will try to eat it. Again. And again. And again.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Hier on a assemblé le Jumperoo d'Abby et au début elle n'avait pas l'air sure de ce gadget, mais apres quelques essais et des ajustements, elle semble vraiment aimer ca!

Elle sera bientot une cavalière accomplie!

A blog for Abby

J'ai decidé de faire un petit blog pour que la famille puisse voir comment Abby grandi. On est pas tous proche les uns des autres, donc ca peux etre une belle facon de vous donner des nouvelles!