Saturday, April 25, 2009

Her first tooth and fun times outside.

We had a little get together with Chris, Daph, Geoff and Becca this weekend. We had Abby here, and she was pretty funny in the grass. She was posing like a pro! She seems to think she is a little model in training!

Also, Auntie Daphnee found Abby's first tooth. Ok, it was more like a tooth hole, but it was there!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Abigail a 7 mois!

Deja 7 mois! Le temps passe tellement vite! Pour célebrer son 7 mois, elle nous a fait un cadeau dans le bain. Eh oui! Mark a penser vite et l'a assise sur la toilette!

Jamais je n'aurais cru que ma fille serait prete a utiliser le pot à 7 mois! :)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

une fin de semaine excitante!

Samedi Abby s'est assise dans une chaise haute au restaurant pour la premiere fois! et ce fut un succès! On est aller chez Moe's sur le chemin de Nominingue, et mademoiselle s'est très bien comportée.

Apres notre arrivée au B & B de Grand-papa et Grand-maman, on est tous aller prendre une marche suivi d'une partie de fers.

Abby et Kyle étaient super fatigués après la grande marche!

Friday, April 17, 2009

I smell trouble

That is right. She is holding on to that beer like her life depends on it. And she is looking at the camera as if to say: That's not mine.... I'm holding it for my friend....Pat made me hold it!!!!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Fun with Kim and Sam

Abby had some visitors: The Barley sisters. We always love getting a visit from them, and Abby really enjoyed playing with them.

And we tried on some fun hats! Abby is a little picture princess!

She is looking forward to their next visit!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Des lulus

On a essayer de faire des petites couettes a Abigail pour le bapteme de son cousin Kyle, mais elle n'est pas une grande fan des elastiques dans ses cheveux. Je crois que ca a duré environs 10 minutes. Au moins, on a penser a prendre quelques photos!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Miss Abigail is trying to be mobile...

Lately Abby has been trying to move more. She is bringing her knees under her belly, or she does some kind of a reverse push-up (toes and head down, butt up)And every once in a while, she pulls herself forward. She is very agile when she pivots, but pulling herself forward seems to be a whole different ballgame!